Organizational Development
What is Organizational Development?
There is no single definition of "Organizational Development." If we were to break it into its parts we can discover one meaning: "Organization" has come to mean the coming together of people and resources to form a unit. "Development" in its simplest form suggests change and growth. So OD could be defined as "the practice of changing people and organizations for positive growth."
In practice, Organizational Development can take on many forms, and typical OD activities can include some of the following:
Organizational assessments
Career development
Leadership development
Talent management
Change management
When I was in college at BGSU, I study Organizational Development. I learned alot and how to be a change agent. I believe that Team Building is one of the best ways to create an effective organization.
Be a change agent and use team building.
Skill deveopment is only a few clicks away: HRDQ Assessment Center
 | Change is Good... You Go First with FREE DVD - $ 15.95 Deciding to make changes is the easy part. Getting your people on board is much more difficult. Best selling author, Mac Anderson (over 2 million of his books have sold) and Tom Feltenstein, highly successfully marketing consultant to the hospitality industry, have teamed up to write an unforgettable book on inspiring change in your organization. It’s a must read for every manager in your company.
Many organizations and teams have experienced change and even more are looking to embrace these changes as well as cultivate new ideas instead of maintaining “business as usual.” That is what the Simple Truths movie “A Peacock in the Land Of Penguins” is all about.
Building a corporate culture of creativity as well as accepting new ideas will capture the talent, energy and commitment of employees. Take 3 minutes to watch the movie "A Peacock in the Land of Penguins" to inspire you and your team.
Click on the movie link:

What's My Team Member Style? Assessment
Team performance begins with individual performance. So, what do team members need to do individually to contribute to their team’s success? What’s My Team Member Style? provides the needed insight. The 18-item assessment helps individuals evaluate how they typically behave on a team and the results reveal their preference for one of 4 team member styles. With increased awareness, they are able to appreciate other team members’ contributions and address differences proactively. Learning Outcomes
Learn about the 4 team member styles Identify personal team member style Understand how to capitalize on style strengths and improve trouble spots Identify the styles of fellow teammates Plan how to take full advantage of the team mix of styles Realize how one is perceived by team members through peer feedback Theory
What’s My Team Member Style? and the other titles in the HRDQ Style Series™ are based on the well-known research and personality theories of psychologists Carl Jung, William Moulton Marston, and others. Most research has identified two basic dimensions of style, which we refer to as assertiveness and expressiveness. Assertiveness is the effort a person makes to influence or control the thoughts or actions of others. Expressiveness is the effort that a person makes to control his or her emotions and feelings when relating to others.
How It Works
Participants respond to 18 statements using a pressure-sensitive form. After scoring is complete, easy-to-read charts allow respondents to quickly scan the strengths and trouble spots that characterize their particular team member styles. To better understand how they are perceived, individual team members can then view Feedback Forms provided by their fellow teammates.
The Facilitator Guide features optional activities that allow participants to practice using flexibility when working with other styles. These activities utilize Feedback Forms (completed by team members prior to the training session) and StylePlay. Each Participant Guide provides a worksheet for positive personal action planning, a diagram for creating a team profile, and team action planning.
Uses for What’s My Team Member Style?
What’s My Team Member Style? is an excellent way to kick off any team-building training and can be used as a stand-alone tool or as part of a larger program. It is most effective for members of intact teams who are in the training session together. The assessment can also assist team members in identifying work roles that fit with their team member styles. (For more work-role practice, use Deir el-Medina and Team-Work & Team-Roles in tandem with What’s My Team Member Style?)
What to Order
Order one Facilitator Guide per trainer and one Participant Guide per participant. To give participants insight on how they are viewed by each other, order enough Feedback Forms for each individual to provide feedback on fellow team members.
Facilitator Guide includes:
Administrative guidelines Theoretical background Experiential learning methodology Optional 2-hour workshop Alternative training design (3-hour workshop) 3 supplemental activities (required: StylePlay - 12 Group Card Games and Feedback Forms) Training outline template Technical information including validity and normative data Sample copy of Participant Guide Sample copy of Feedback Form CD-ROM containing Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and reproducible masters (activity handout, certificate of achievement, and training evaluation) Convenient binder format Participant Guide includes:
18-item assessment Instructions Pressure-sensitive response form Interpretive information Charts depicting style strengths and trouble spots Overview of style-work role matches Individual action planning worksheet Team profile diagram Team action planning worksheet Feedback Form includes:
18-item assessment Instructions
Learn more about this tool for change at HRDQ:
Supervisory Skills for team building
The Power of Discipline
Outdoor Teambuilding
Free Teambuilding Games
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Change management tools
 The Right To Lead - $ 15.95 In The Right to Lead, you will read about people who have earned the right to lead others. They became effective leaders not by making other people follow, but by making themselves the kind of person people would want to follow.
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