These games can be used to bond your team. Have fun while your team improves communication, productivity, and teamwork. Team building is process that takes leadership, risk taking and involvement of all members. It is important that you debrief the team after each game. Have your team look at the process. What could the team do better next time? What went well? How could have your team improved? Always affirm your team: affirm, affirm, and affirm. Team work takes time to build.
Seriously Funny Workplace Oxymorons!
from: PrintableGamesAtoZ
Assassin / Spy
Set Up
The player that receives the X is the Assassin or Spy. Players sit in a circle so that each player can see the other players' faces. The Assassin/Spy must look around and discreetly wink or raise his eyebrow at another player. The player that receives the wink is the victim. The victim must then yell out "I'm hit" or "I'm caught!" (With drama and moaning of course!) and that player falls out of the game. The player that sees the Assassin/Spy winking at another player "catches" the Assassin/Spy, and wins the game. If the Assassin/Spy is able to successfully eliminate the players to the point that there is only one left, the Assassin/Spy wins.
What's in your wallet?
To find out some unique information from people through the contents of their purse or wallet.
Ask people to take out three things from their wallet/purse that represent something they value. Have each person share those things. For a more challenging version: ask them to find something with their full legal name on it, the oldest coin they have, something that has expired, a dated picture and something you would not think to find in a wallet or purse.
Helium Stick
You will need Materials
Line up team in two rows which face each other. Introduce the Helium Stick - a long, thin, light rod. Ask participants to point their index fingers and hold their arms out. Lay the Helium Stick down on their fingers. Before you let go, get the group to adjust their finger heights until the Helium Stick is horizontal and everyone's index fingers are touching the stick. Explain that the challenge is to lower the Helium Stick to the ground. The catch: Each person's fingers must be in contact with the Helium Stick at all times. Pinching or grabbing the pole in not allowed - it must rest on top of fingers.
Reiterate to the group that if anyone's finger is caught not touching the Helium Stick, the task will be restarted. Let the task begin....
Warning: Particularly in the early stages, the Helium Stick has a habit of mysteriously float up rather than coming down, causing much laughter. A bit of clever humoring can help - e.g., act surprised and ask what are they doing raising the Helium Stick instead of lowering it!
Often times the Helium Stick rises first
For added drama, jump up and pull it down! Participants may be confused initially about the paradoxical behavior of the Helium Stick. The secret (keep it to yourself) is that the collective upwards pressure tends to be greater than the weight of the stick. Often the more a group tries, the more it floats. Some groups or individuals (most often larger size groups) after 5 to 10 minutes of trying may be inclined to give up, believing it not to be possible or that it is too hard. The facilitator can offer direct suggestions or suggest the group stops the task, discusses their strategy, and then has another go.
Less often, a group may appear to be succeeding too fast. In response, be particularly vigilant about fingers not touching the pole. Also make sure participants lower the pole all the way onto the ground. You can add further difficulty by adding a large washer to each end of the stick and explain that the washers should not fall off during the exercise, otherwise its a restart. Eventually the group needs to calm down, concentrate, and very slowly, patiently lower the Helium Stick - easier said than done.
Discover some of the significant events and experiences in each team members' identity.This activity calls for a high level of disclosure and can be high risk. It is good for a group that works closely together and has a high level of investment. Caution: can be emotional and take quite a bit of time.
Large pieces of newsprint and markers
Each member draws a line on a piece of paper to represent the highs, lows, significant events, turning points, etc. of her/his life to date (and any projections into the future). Each person should indicate peaks and dips and label areas of the timeline to help explain the details and significance. Once everyone is done, each member shares his/her lifelines with the group. The group can ask questions, but each member should agree to keep what is shared as confidential
Human Knot
Problem solving, communication, and teamwork
The group( 4 to 5 ) forms a circle. Each person holds out their right hand and grasps another hand as if shaking hands. All then extend left hands and grab another left hand. They should not have both hands of the same person or hands of the people on either side of them. The goal is to then untangle themselves into a single circle without releasing hands.
Deir El Medina Game
Groups often fail to find the solution to solvable problems because team members do not recognize the importance of their role, or they overlook the information that other members possess. Deir el-Medina is an engaging game designed to identify the various roles each team member plays during work processes and demonstrate how each role contributes to the group’s ability to accomplish goals, solve problems, and achieve success. How Deir el-Medina works: Based on factual records from the Egyptian collection and The British Museum in London, Deir el-Medina asks participants to work together to solve a problem based on a realistic scenario. Each team member is given particular facts that can help solve the team’s problem. Success is determined by how well participants perform their roles in the group and process the information each team member possesses.In group situations, individuals tend to adopt characteristic roles that can be categorized into three different types: Task Roles, Maintenance Roles, and Self-Oriented Roles. Deir el-Medina explores how the dynamics of these roles impact the group.
Deir el-Medina Learning Outcomes:
The Facilitator Guide contains game overview and introduction; learning goals; facilitator guidelines; training outline; preparation checklist; observer instructions; debrief and discussion questions; training design options; and a CD-ROM containing a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, participant handouts, and overhead transparency masters.
Learn more about Deir El Medina Game . Click on HRDQ below and go to the team section. Have fun ! with your team building.
Mars Surface Rover Game - Team
Introduce basic teamwork concepts such as interdependence, common goals, continuing interaction, valuing diversity, and creating a supportive environment.
First, participants work independently — each performing a confidential task for building a prototype astronaut vehicle. Then they complete the vehicle as a team, discussing ideas and sharing their individual expertise. Finally, participants evaluate and discuss 3 key elements of teamwork.
The comprehensive Team Version Facilitator Guide includes: administrative guidelines, theoretical background, Teams vs. Groups comparison chart, answers to frequently asked questions, debriefing questions, reproducible participant handouts.
What to Order/Product Contents:
Each Complete Game includes materials to simultaneously train 3 teams of 4-7 participants. All parts except for the Participant Guides are reusable. Participant Guides Refill 5-Packs and Extra Game Packs are also available for individual purchase.
Team Facilitator Guide features:
Administrative guidelines
Theoretical background
Teams vs. groups comparison chart
Answers to frequently asked questions
Debriefing questions
Reproducible participant handouts and transparency masters
Complete Team Game includes:
3 Bags of reusable parts (batteries included)
3 Stopwatches
21 Participant Guides
3 Calculators
1 Tablet of 30 price sheets
3 Sets of 6 reusable task sheets
3 Screens
3 Sets of blueprints
Facilitator Guide w/CD-Rom
Convenient tote
For larger groups, order one Extra Team Game Pack for each additional team of 4–7 participants. Each Extra Team Game Pack includes: 1 Bag of reusable parts, batteries, 7 Participant Guides, Stopwatch, Calculator, Screen, 1 Set of 6 task sheets, 1 Set of bluep
Learn more about the Mars game at HRDQ:
Tall Ships Game
Raise your team's effectiveness with Tall Ships, the fast-paced simulation that challenges teams to race against the clock — and others teams — to build the tallest ship mast at the lowest cost. Participants learn about and practice the 7 skills critical to effective team performance: Clarity, Capability, Collaboration, Commitment, Communication, Continuous Improvement, and Creativity.
The Scenario
The Seven Seas Company has selected your company to collaborate with them in an attempt to win a lucrative contract for designing and building a tall ship. But your company must first demonstrate that it can successfully perform the "Seven C's" upon which The Seven Seas Company is founded. Can your team rise to the challenge to win the deal?
Learning Outcomes
Practice and understand the 7 factors critical to effective teamwork
Identify strategies to improve team performance
Learn how to apply the 7 skills to an actual team scenario
Studies show that effective team performance is the result of several interrelated factors that, when adequately addressed, create optimal conditions for success. This research indicates that high performing teams differentiate themselves in 7 key performance areas — the Seven C's of Effective Team Performance. The foundation of Tall Ships, these "Seven C's" operate as a system as well as a set of separate elements.
Clarity — An understanding of the team's purpose, expected outcomes, roles, responsibilities, and stakeholder expectations.
Capability — Having the necessary skills and knowledge (or ensuring individuals acquire the necessary skills) to complete tasks efficiently and appropriately.
Collaboration — An understanding of how to work together and use resources effectively to achieve team goals.
Commitment — A high degree of commitment to the team's mission and to each other.
Communication — An understanding of positive communication practices, including active listening and giving and receiving feedback.
Continuous Improvement — A commitment to continuously improve work processes and team effectiveness.
Creativity — Conditions that encourage diverse thinking, new ideas, and innovative solutions.
How It Works
Three game rounds reveal the team dynamics that impact team effectiveness. In Round 1, teams are asked to assemble the tallest ship mast possible in the least amount of time. Lessons learned from this round are discussed and applied to the Seven C's model. Round 2 challenges teams to rethink their strategy and build yet a taller mast in the same amount of time, but at the lowest cost. Following a team performance assessment and debrief, teams make one last attempt at the task, assembling the mast according to new specifications and requirements. Finally, an action-planning phase provides teams and team members with an opportunity to improve their performance.
Uses for Tall Ships
Perfect for both newly formed and intact teams, Tall Ships can be used as a stand-alone learning event, integrated into a larger training initiative, or adapted to address such topics as leadership, change management, quality awareness, process improvement, and safety awareness.
What to Order/Product Contents
Each Complete Game includes materials to simultaneously train 3 teams of 5-7 participants. All parts except for the Participant Guides are reusable. Participant Guides Refill 5-Packs are also available for individual purchase. For larger groups, order one Game Pack for each additional team of 5–7 participants.
The Tall Ships Complete Game includes:
1 Facilitator Guide
3 bags of reusable game parts
3 sets of laminated Game Cards
21 Participant Guides
1 tablet of observer and materials cost worksheets
1 stopwatch
1 tape measure
1 sturdy tote bag
The Tall Ships Extra Game Pack includes:
7 Participant Guides
1 set of reusable parts with tape measure
1 set of 3 game cards
1 mesh bag
Facilitator Guide features (included in the complete game):
Administrative guidelines
Theoretical background
Experiential learning/training methodology
Description of the Seven C's of Effective Team Performance
Step-by-step workshop design
Facilitator Tips
Blank training outline
Training design options
Sample copy of the Participant Guide
CD-ROM containing Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and reproducible masters, including a Certificate of Achievement, Training Evaluation, Observer Feedback Form, Materials Cost Worksheet, name tent template, flag template, and overhead transparency masters.
Participant Guide features:
The "Seven C's" model and dimensions
Team assessment
Questions to Consider
Planning worksheet
Action planning
You can find Tall Ships Game at HRDQ:
Learn more about the Mars game at HRDQ:
The Rainforest Game
An insightful hands-on exercise, The Rainforest Game is designed to provide individuals and teams with the opportunity to experience collaboration across both internal and external boundaries.
Working within groups and across groups, participants build awareness of the importance of cooperation, challenges inherent in inter-team communication, and the significance of creating and sustaining effective partnerships.
The Scenario
Your organization has joined a worldwide consortium of environmentally sensitive organizations meeting to discuss its latest cause — the future of the rainforests. In addition, your organization is sponsoring one of the rainforest's many endangered species. As part of this initiative, you have been asked to design a picture that can be used for marketing and fundraising materials. But you can't do it alone. This task requires you to work with other member organizations to complete the picture. Can you work across both internal and external boundaries to make a difference?
Learning Outcomes
Learn how to collaborate effectively within and across groups
Apply skills to work across geography and distance
Break down communication barriers to creatively solve complex problems
Examine assumptions about how individuals and groups work together
A literature survey on cross-boundary collaboration and the author’s experience with the challenges of working across boundaries in organizations formed the basis for The Rainforest Game. The author examined the 4 skills that lead to building relationships (Reaching Out, Sharing Information, Exploring Alternatives, and Making It Happen) and identified a set of practices for each of these skill areas.
How It Works
Small teams representing the member organizations of the consortium are challenged to complete a 5-foot long puzzle. Each organization, sponsoring a specific endangered species, has pieces of the overall picture as well as their sponsored animal. But because no one team has all the pieces, they must be able to work collaboratively in order to successfully complete the task at hand.
Following the activity, participants consider their experience in the context of real-life, organizational experience and discuss the 4 critical skills needed to effectively work across boundaries.
Uses for The Rainforest Game
Perfect as a stand-alone learning experience or as part of a larger training initiative, The Rainforest Game is highly adaptable and flexible. The discussions relating to the game may be focused in several areas including:
problem solving
What to Order/Product Contents
Each Complete Game includes materials to simultaneously train 5 teams of 3-5 participants. (For smaller groups, it is possible to play with 4 teams of 3 participants. It is also possible to run multiple games at the same time.) All parts except for the Participant Guides and stickers are reusable. Participant Guides Refill 5-Packs are also available for individual purchase.
Our Customer Service Team is available to assist you with determining your training material needs.
The Complete Game includes:
1 Facilitator Guide
25 Participant Guides
48-piece puzzle
5 drawstring bags for puzzle pieces
Identification key
5 laminated instruction sheets
40 participant stickers
Canvas tote bag
The Extra Game Pack includes:
25 Participant Guides
48-piece puzzle
5 drawstring bags for puzzle pieces
Identification key
5 laminated instruction sheets
40 participant stickers
Facilitator Guide features (included in the complete game):
Administrative guidelines
Activity overview
Materials list
Background information
Advance preparation guidelines
Facilitator tips
Training design options
Information on the plight of the rainforests
Technical development information
Participant Guide features:
Working Across Boundaries model
Description of the 5 critical practices for each of the 4 skill areas
Reflection questions
Action planning
Get the game now At HRDQ:
Tag Games| Circle Games| Party Games| Team building Games| Free Teambuilding games | Name Games| FunTeambuilding Icebreakers|
Have you heard this before? "I'm not creative!" or "I don't know where to start!" Well, the fact is, no matter what the profession or situation, anyone can be an innovator. The opportunity for process improvement exists everywhere and at every level within an organization. Everybody's innovating, but often it isn't formally recognized as "process improvement" or "innovation".
Coming soon from HRDQ is Junkyard Games, a high-energy, exciting new training game that will bring out the inner innovators in your audience. Teams create together, plan together, strategize, and execute their ideas - all while having fun!
Click here to learn more and reserve your game kit today!
Do Your Best is a set of activities that demonstrates the key principles of setting direction in an organization, group, or team. The short, five-to-fifteen minute activities provide an active, stimulating means of uncovering the crucial principles of setting mission, vision, and goals.
Do Your Best contains three modules - one for mission, one for vision, and one for goal setting. Each module contains six to seven activities in which participants use acrylic blocks to build walls.
The facilitator can use any or all of the activities depending on time constraints and the particular needs for the training group. Each activity demonstrates a different direction-setting principle and can be run independently of the other activities. Each module, taken as a whole, builds to the point of having participants craft their own direction piece (vision, mission, or set of goals).
How It Works
The original Do Your Best exercise was developed as an experiential means of teaching well-researched goal-setting principles. The intent was to give participants a hands-on experience that was involving and fun yet demonstrated how goals should be set. The same involving aspects of Do Your Best that make it appropriate for teaching goal setting also make it appropriate for teaching mission and vision construction. Participants discover the principles through participation in activities rather than through lecture using the three activity modules included in the Do Your Best game.
Mission Module: Contains five activities, each demonstrating one of the five mission principles, plus one final activity that involves the group writing its own mission.
Vision Module: Contains five activities, each demonstrating one of the five vision principles, plus one final activity that involves the group writing its own vision.
Goal Setting Module: Contains six activities, each demonstrating one of the six goal-setting principles, plus one final activity that involves the group setting its own goals.
What to Order
Each Do Your Best kit contains:
convenient 3-ring binder
reproducible participant materials for vision, mission, and goal-setting sections
complete facilitator guide
transparency masters
4 boxes of 30 acrylic blocks
12 laminated "Instructions" sheets
heavy-duty HRDQ tote bag
Extra Game Packs, order one per team, which includes:
1 box of 30 acrylic blocks
3 laminated "Instructions" sheets
Find this Team building games at HRDQ, Click here to visit HRDQ
Thiagi's 100 Favorite Games
Thiagi's 100 Favorite Games is an exciting new resource from Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan, who is acknowledged as the world's foremost authority on interactive learning. This is a first-of-its-kind collection that represents game play at its very best. Thiagi offers the "how-to" and the "lowdown" on his all-time favorite games. With this resource, you'll never be stuck for a fun, innovative, and effective activity.
Thiagi's 100 Favorite Games can be used to:
Illustrate concepts,
Aid learning transfer,
Improve team work,
Build critical skills in any training event,
Energize meetings,
Or us as icebreakers, or openers and closers to a formal training session.
Find this book at HRDQ:
Free Teambuilding Activities, Books, and Videos!
I have used this game alot for Team building;Jungle Escape
Bottom Line Bingo! |
Seriously Funny Workplace Oxymorons! |
That Don’t Impress Me Much! |