Name games
Use these name games for icebreakers, teambuilding and to improve communication in your team. Have fun as you improve your team’s relationships with the name games.
Mneminic Name Game
Sit or stand in a circle. Then you start the game... One person starts by using his or her first name followed by using the name of a food with the same letter as his or her first name(Ex. Christopher Carrots or Sylvia Sea Salt). The next person repeats the first person’s name and then adds his or her own. It goes around the circle, each person repeating all of the names that came before. In a small group, go around the circle more than once, adding additional information such as an adjective beginning with the same letter as -the fist name or an action. Continue to have participants repeat all information that has been previously shared
Name Juggling
Stand in a circle. Go around the circle and have everyone share names, one at a time. Let participants know that its OK to ask someone else’s name if you don’t remember. Start with one object, like a koosh ball. Explain: "I'm going to start by tossing this ball to someone else in the circle. If you receive it, toss it to someone else in the circle not immediately on either side of you. That person will toss it to another person who has not yet received it and again not immediately on either side of him or her. Throwing continues until the last person tosses the ball back to me. Remember who you tossed to because we will try to recreate the pattern in the next phase. Any questions?" This is a good point to encourage people to wait until the person you call looks you in the eye to throw the ball. When the person catches the ball, he or she thanks the person by name who threw the ball and then states a name and throws to a new person. Set a pattern so that each person in the circle throws and receives the ball one time. Explain: "Now we are going to try to repeat the process, but we are going to see how many balls we can keep up in the air at any one time. Any questions?" Once any questions have been answered, toss the ball to the first person. As soon as they toss the ball, grab another one from your stash and toss it. Repeat until a) there is exactly the number of balls going as there are participants (an almost Herculean task) or b) the process begins to break down. Notice how many balls the group has going, and retrieve them as they come back to you. Inform the group as to how many balls they had in the air when they were doing their best. Ask the group to consider how they might improve their performance. Typical modifications allow for participants to move their position, make agreements as to how they will throw to each other (e.g., "I'll toss mine to you high" or "I'll roll mine across the floor"), agree to pause the process when one ball goes awry, etc. Begin the process again.
Snappy Names
Have everyone start slowly with the rhythm: slap, slap, snap, snap. The slaps are on the knees with both hands at the same time, and the snaps are on the right hand then the left hand. One person is designated as the leader, and s/he sets the pace. The object of the game is to get to the leader’s spot. The leader begins the rhythm, and on one set of snaps says his/her name on the first, and someone else’s on the second (your name MUST always be said on the first snap, and someone else's name on the second snap). The person who’s name is called must respond on the next set of snaps by saying his/her own name and then someone else’s. If the person does it correctly, the game continues. If the person does not do it quickly enough or loses the rhythm, s/he must move to the end (the seat to the right of the leader) and the rest of the group moves up a seat (toward the leader’s spot) to fill in the seats. Game continues until group has learned names well.
What does your name mean?
Ask each person to introduce themselves by name and to explain what their name means and where it came from. You can also ask them to tell if they like their name or not as a child & if they like it now (this gets some interesting stories & helps eveyone remember each others names).
Ask everyone to share their favorite nickname or pet name. Who calls them this name? When and why? Where did it come from?
Name Boogie
The facilitator starts by describing the activity and then demonstrating. Each person will say his/her first name followed by a dance move. The rest of the group imitates the move, while repeating the person's name 3 times (e.g. "Joe!, Joe!, Joe!" while doing the sprinkler dance. The kinesthetic motion and repetition help people remember the names, and everyone ends up laughing. Most groups are a little shy about this, so it's important the facilitator do a fun move to demonstrate

Do Your Best is a set of activities that demonstrates the key principles of setting direction in an organization, group, or team. The short, five-to-fifteen minute activities provide an active, stimulating means of uncovering the crucial principles of setting mission, vision, and goals.
Do Your Best contains three modules - one for mission, one for vision, and one for goal setting. Each module contains six to seven activities in which participants use acrylic blocks to build walls.
The facilitator can use any or all of the activities depending on time constraints and the particular needs for the training group. Each activity demonstrates a different direction-setting principle and can be run independently of the other activities. Each module, taken as a whole, builds to the point of having participants craft their own direction piece (vision, mission, or set of goals).
How It Works
The original Do Your Best exercise was developed as an experiential means of teaching well-researched goal-setting principles. The intent was to give participants a hands-on experience that was involving and fun yet demonstrated how goals should be set. The same involving aspects of Do Your Best that make it appropriate for teaching goal setting also make it appropriate for teaching mission and vision construction. Participants discover the principles through participation in activities rather than through lecture using the three activity modules included in the Do Your Best game.
Mission Module: Contains five activities, each demonstrating one of the five mission principles, plus one final activity that involves the group writing its own mission. Vision Module: Contains five activities, each demonstrating one of the five vision principles, plus one final activity that involves the group writing its own vision. Goal Setting Module: Contains six activities, each demonstrating one of the six goal-setting principles, plus one final activity that involves the group setting its own goals.
What to Order
Each Do Your Best kit contains:
convenient 3-ring binder
reproducible participant materials for vision, mission, and goal-setting sections
complete facilitator guide
transparency masters
4 boxes of 30 acrylic blocks
12 laminated "Instructions" sheets
heavy-duty HRDQ tote bag
Extra Game Packs, order one per team, which includes:
1 box of 30 acrylic blocks
3 laminated "Instructions" sheets
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