Your team needs a common goal. Ownership is a key to team motivation. The next key is effective leadership. Team leaders influence the members toward a common goal. Team members need to communicate as they work toward a common goal. Use these techiques to build your team.
Team Building in the Workplace
"How to Build a Winning Team in 7 Days or Less"
Transforming the Least Motivated Team Into the Most Productive Team Using Proven Techniques, It's Easy When You Know How...
Dear Fellow Team Leader,
Do you want a great team… the collaboration… the productivity… and the positive work environment?
Do you want to build a great team… but don’t actually know much about it? If so, then you’ve found the right site!
The Key For An Amazing Team Learn more, Click Here!
The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Employee Performance in 5 Easy Steps
Here is how I got my Team to be loyal and motivated and more productive, making more sales while I could take time off. Learn more about team building here:
"Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal." ~ Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
We all know successful teams can accomplish incredible results. But all teams are human, and more often than not, unresolved issues lurk beneath the surface, draining a team's energy and undermining its efforts. What's needed is a proven method to accurately diagnose and remedy the obstacles that block success.
Here's the solution.
The Team Effectiveness Profile (TEP) is an assessment tool that that's produced results for thousands of teams since it was first introduced over 30 years ago.
What does the TEP achieve?
Assesses the general health of a team. Identifies the common blockages to team effectiveness.
Shows how to maximize the team's productive efforts. Offers strategies to reduce or eliminate blockages to team performance. Gauges team performance improvement.
How does the TEP work?
The basis of the TEP is an accurate, 50-item assessment that measures team member perceptions in five key areas:
Mission, Vision, and Goals,
Team Roles,
Operating Processes,
Interpersonal Relationships,and
Inter-team Relationships.
The results yield an Overall Team Effectiveness score as well as sub scores for each of the five dimensions. Following the inventory, the TEP provides extensive interpretive information and an optional 2-hour instructor-led workshop.
Applications for the TEP:
Profile and benchmark the effectiveness of a newly-formed team.Educate new teams about issues that could block its success.
Surface and remove blockages from struggling teams.
Provide executive teams with insights and strategies to improve performance.
Track a team's progress over time.
What's included with the TEP?
The TEP offers comprehensive materials for both the facilitator and the learner. Everything you need to administer the assessment, interpret the results, and lead a 2-hour workshop is contained within the Facilitator Guide, from background information to step-by-step guidelines, a professional PowerPoint presentation, and even a reproducible article. A takeaway Participant Guide serves as a complete resource for learners, including the 50-item assessment, reflection questions, discussion starters, and action planning.
Next Steps:
Learn more about the Team Effectiveness Profile.
Register for the free webcast, "How is Your Team Working?"
Order the Team Effectiveness Profile at HRDQ,