Quotes About Life
My friend, Zig Ziglar, has a way with words. He said, "When I speak, people will occasionally say...'Zig, I loved your talk, but for me, motivation doesn't last!' I always tell them...bathing doesn't either. That's why I recommend it daily."
What a great quote! I'm often amazed that some people think that because I am who I am, I must have a great attitude at all times. "You started Successories. You couldn't possibly have a negative thought!" Well, here's a confession. One of the main reasons I started Successories is that I saw the need for continuous reinforcement in my life and in others when it comes to attitude, goals, and values. Quotes About Life, Motivational Quotes
In a perfect world, we hear something once, record it in our brain, and never need to hear it again. Well, I don't know where you're living, but my world is far from perfect. I occasionally have doubts, fears, and disappointments in my life. During those times I need "shots of inspiration" to reinforce, to encourage, and to motivate.
Here's a secret. My #1 resource for that "quick boost" when I'm feeling down is a little book titled, Motivational Quotes. I don't know about you, but for me, the right quote at the right time can turn the switch from "off" to "on." And, that's exactly what Motivational Quotes provides for me...an "a-ha" moment when I need it most. As most of you know, I love quotes, and in this little book I share my all-time favorites.
In fact, this is the book that inspired me to start Successories. In 1985, my love of quotes encouraged me to publish a small, 80-page quotation book that I called Motivational Quotes. At first, it was offered as a corporate gift, but then we decided to sell it on a plastic easel next to the register, in hotel and airport gift shops. Little did I know what was about to happen. Sales exploded! We couldn't print them fast enough and over the next 18 months, we sold 800,000 copies.
The light bulb went off when I discovered that many people love quotes as much as I do. I began to wonder...would they want to put quotes on their walls? With this thought, the "big idea" for Successories was born. Our theme, in the beginning was...Decorate your walls with great ideas. And I'm pleased to say that millions of customers did just that!
Twenty-five years have passed. The book you see on this page is the new, improved, updated version of Motivational Quotes . It still has my 80 favorite quotes that I introduced in 1985, but I've added 80 more that, since then, have helped to motivate me in good times and bad.
Here's how you can make it work for you. Just keep it visible on your desk at work, and whenever you're feeling a little down (for whatever reason), just pick it up and read 10 quotes. It'll only take a minute, and I'll guarantee that you'll feel better.
This beautiful little book makes a treasured gift for any occasion. There is no one that I know that doesn't need an occasional "shot of inspiration." Motivational Quotes
Wise Words To Live By
This collection of great quotes to live by will provide you with inspiring quotations that are positive and thoughtful and are reflective of life’s issues.

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