How to be a Salesman

The Simple Truths of Selling

Follow these age-old secrets of sales...
The Simple Truths of Selling Much of what we are taught about successful selling these days is overstated and it causes us to forget the key fundamentals that make selling what it should be- a tool that brings people the solutions they seek. The paradox of sales training is that the more methodology we learn, the less authentic we seem, and the less successful we tend to be.

In light of all that's been said and will be said about how to sell well, it would behoove us to maintain, at the core of our endeavors, the simple truths of successful selling that rarely ever change. That's The Simple Truths of Selling is about.

How to be a Salesman

One of the best books written on the topic of selling is High Trust Selling, by best-selling author, Todd Duncan. Todd, partnering with Simple Truths, created a book on the most important things you should know about selling. The Simple Truths of Selling is a book that you can read in 30 minutes, presents the fundamentals of selling in a very engaging way, and when necessary, nudges you back on the right track. Todd hits the nail on the head with great stories, great quotes and great insights to reinforce the most important things you need to know to be successful in sales.

Here's one of the 21 short chapters titled, Advice is More Important Than Price. Enjoy

An excerpt from The Simple Truths of Selling by Todd Duncan. It's usually the first thing to come up. "How much will it cost me?" asks the customer. We then dodge the question to avoid running them off before we have a chance to explain the value of the product.

Sure, there are those who pitch low prices and for them the price question is welcome. But regardless of where your price falls on the industry scale, it's not the cost that matters most to customers.

Consider one auto insurance's bold message to their potential customers: Call us and we'll give you our rates and the rates of five of our competitors - even if they are cheaper. What message does that send if you are thinking about buying auto insurance? For starters, it tells you that the company is more interested in your satisfaction than in getting you to buy.

Of course they don't want you to go to one of their competitors, but they're willing to bank on the fact that having a trustworthy insurance company is more important than a cheap one. So they're not afraid to offer you some helpful advice. "Here are your options," they say, "and we'll help advise you on which one is the best fit for your needs - even if that means introducing you to another company." It's an innovative way to highlight your intentions and, in the end, it builds trust.

There is always the chance you will lose a customer on price; but why not make it about more than price from the beginning. Offer them advice that indicates you care more about their overall satisfaction than their money. If they still choose a competitor after all, be ready when that other company falls short because you'll be the first person they call. And you won't have to prove yourself twice.

The Simple Truths of Selling

Zig Ziglar - Secrets for Closing the Sale - "The Shame Close"

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