Quick team building activities

Quick Team Builidng activities : Divide your group into small groups of five each. Do this randomly by counting your group off in numbers. Ask the group these different set of each question. Some Quick teambuilding activities for your toolkit.

1. Identify 10 items or factors that all the members have in common in the group.

2. Ask the group to describe their favorite vacation spot, ice cream, dinner, sport and animal.

3. Describe an experience where you meet a famous person.

4. Who is your hero? And why?

5. What major accomplishment have you achieved in the past year

Quick team building activities for your toolkit:

6. Scrambled Jigsaw. Before the team arrives, place a jigsaw on each table. To manage the time element, use large-piece children’s puzzles of 100 pieces or so. Remove 5 pieces from each puzzle and move them to another table. As the team arrives, divide members among the tables. Instruct teams to fully complete their puzzle, by any means, in the shortest amount of time possible. As puzzles are completed and teams realize pieces are missing, they will be forced to negotiate with other teams to complete their puzzle. This exercise promotes flexibility, communication, negotiation and cooperation.

7. Creative Assembly. Purchase 3-D punch-out wood dinosaur puzzle kits. Divide the team into groups of 2 to 4. Without comment or instruction, give each group the(unpunched puzzle) pieces, one complete puzzle per group. Do not let the group see the boxes, pictures or instructions or in any way identify what you have given them. Instruct each group to assemble its project, telling them they can only use what is in front of them. You’ll get some interesting and creative constructions, a lot of laughter and some good-natured frustration, particularly with the winged dinosaur kits. When time is up, ask each group to describe its construct. In this exercise, creative thinking, brainstorming, problem solving, cooperation and consensus will certainly get a workout.

8. Building a tower: Divide team into groups of 2 to 6. Give each person one 8 1/2” x 11” sheet of paper (or your could use newspaper) plus one 5” strip of masking tape. Instruct each team to build the tallest possible freestanding structure. This exercise promotes cooperation, creative thinking, problem solving, consensus, leadership and division of labor.

9. All Aboard. This is another physical game. Depending on the size of your team, place a 1-foot to 3-foot square of cardboard on the floor, or mark off a square with masking or duct tape. Draw numbers, one for each team member. In order of the numbers drawn, team members must stand in the square. As the number of people in the square increases, members will have to work together and get creative to get everyone aboard. This exercise practices cooperation, problem solving and leadership.

10. Bridge the Gap. Divide the group into teams of 3 to 5. Give each group a small ball of modeling clay and 12 toothpicks. Instruct them to build the longest cantilever bridge they can. Award points for speed of construction, length of bridge, ability to stand without tipping over and ability to hold weight (to measure this, stack quarters until the bridge tips or breaks). Team members will practice creativity, problem solving, consensus (and manual de

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